Laminating Guides

One of the advantages of GRP is that you can start a project with very little in the way of tools, equipment and workshop facilities. Even for quite major projects, the only equipment required is a few brushes, laminating rollers and plastic buckets! This contrasts sharply with the amount (and cost!) of equipment needed for joinery, metal-work and other construction methods.

We have put together some helpful guides for you to view on screen, print out and download as PDF files.

Making a Mould

Making a Mould

With a few exceptions, the first requirement in nearly all GRP projects is a mould in which to lay up the laminate.
Preparing Resins

Preparing Resins

All resins require the addition of catalyst (hardener) to initiate the curing process,The curing process generates heat (known as "exotherm") within the resin. Find out more by Downloading the PDF Files.
Small Projects Guide

Small Projects Guide

The method for laminating smaller items, such as trays, covers, etc, is fairly straightforward.
Larger Projects Guide

Larger Projects Guide

For large projects,  the laminating method is essentially the same, although the scale of the job will demand a few slight variations: